Uma proposta de diretrizes para fomentar o engajamento dos alunos em ambientes de realidade virtual
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Engagement, Guidelines, Virtual reality, Educational environmentResumen
With the difficulty for involving students in an engaging way in their learning, this research aimed the elaboration of guidelines for the development of educational environments of virtual reality. After extensive literature reviews, a set of 17 final guidelines was conceived, based on principles such as clarity, objectivity, and appropriateness to engagement. The guidelines wereevaluated by professionals in the area of technology in education, and the data collection was performed throughthe application of a questionnaire. The results were satisfactory and presented an instrument that can help in the use of this type of environment for the educational scope, with focus on student’s engagement.
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Derechos de autor 2021 Wendel Souto Reinheimer, Aderson de Carvalho, Felipe Becker Nunes, Roseclea Duarte Medina, Vinícius Lopes
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